Business Consultancy


Our Business Consultancy department offers the following to our clients:


The decision makers of an organization conduct a feasibility study & Business Plans for the assessment, analysis and evaluation of costs and benefits of a potential project. A properly conducted feasibility study will provide immeasurable value in assessing the upside potential and downside risks for the stakeholders and help the organization make a more educated decision on the implementation of the project, under review / consideration.


Sensitivity studies involving various possible future scenarios are considered and included in a feasibility report. The studies conducted, outline alternatives and highlight new opportunities as well as, address matters that can adversely affect the organization. Our offerings include Market Feasibility Study, Financial Feasibility Study, Project Feasibility Study, Transaction Feasibility Study and Vetting of available Project Studies, to provide an independent professional opinion on same.


Due diligence is used to investigate and evaluate a business opportunity. The term due diligence describes a general duty to exercise care in any transaction. As such, it spans investigation into all relevant aspects of the past, present, and predictable future of the business of a target company. Due diligence sounds impressive but ultimately it translates into basic commonsense success factors such as “thinking things through” and “doing your homework”.


Focus Areas in the Due Diligence Exercise


Business valuation is a process and a set of procedures used to estimate the economic value of an owner’s interest in a business. Valuation is used by financial market participants to determine the price they are willing to pay or receive to affect a sale of a business.

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